cheapest large plastic planters

Cheapest Large Plastic Planters: Big on Savings (2024)

Welcome to my latest article on the most affordable large plastic planters on the market. If you’re a budget-conscious gardener like me, you’ll be thrilled to discover these budget-friendly options that won’t break the bank. Whether you’re looking for oversized plastic planters, jumbo plastic pots, or large plastic planter boxes, I’ve got you covered. Let’s dive in and explore the world of the cheapest large plastic planters!

Key Takeaways:

  • Large plastic planters are a cost-effective option for potting plants indoors and outdoors.
  • They are lightweight, easy to move, and allow flexibility in garden design.
  • Plastic plant pots offer better drainage and can withstand different weather conditions.
  • When choosing large plastic planters, consider the size, weight, and available space in your garden.
  • There are various places to find the best deals on large plastic planters, including home improvement stores and online retailers.

The Benefits of Plastic Plant Pots

Plastic plant pots are a cost-effective option for both indoor and outdoor gardening. They offer numerous benefits that make them a popular choice among gardening enthusiasts. One of the key advantages of plastic plant pots is their affordability. Compared to materials like ceramic or clay, plastic pots are much cheaper, making them a budget-friendly option for those looking to save on gardening expenses.

Another advantage of plastic plant pots is their lightweight nature. Being lightweight, they are easy to move around the garden whenever needed. This flexibility allows gardeners to rearrange their plants and experiment with different layouts, enhancing the overall design of their garden. Additionally, plastic plant pots are durable and can withstand different weather conditions, making them suitable for both indoor and outdoor use.

Plastic plant pots are particularly ideal for larger plants. Their size and sturdiness make them capable of housing bigger and heavier plants without any issues. With proper drainage, plastic pots allow the roots of larger plants to grow and expand, promoting healthy plant growth. Furthermore, plastic plant pots are designed to facilitate better drainage, preventing waterlogged roots and ensuring optimal moisture levels for plant health.

Benefits of Plastic Plant Pots
Cost-effective option
Lightweight and easy to move
Ideal for larger plants
Allow for better drainage

Plastic plant pots are an affordable and practical choice, providing gardeners with a cost-effective option that doesn’t compromise on quality. Their lightweight design and easy movability allow for greater flexibility in garden design and layout. From smaller plants to larger ones, plastic plant pots can accommodate a wide range of plant sizes, making them suitable for every gardening enthusiast. With their excellent drainage capabilities, plastic pots ensure healthy plant growth and contribute to overall garden aesthetics.

Choosing the Right Size of Large Plastic Planters

When it comes to selecting large plastic planters, finding the right size is essential for the healthy growth of your plants. Consider the space your plants need to develop fully and choose a planter that provides ample room for their roots to spread out. This will ensure that your plants have the necessary space to absorb nutrients and thrive.

In addition to accommodating the plant’s root system, it’s important to consider the overall size and weight of the planter. A large plastic planter that is too heavy may be difficult to move, making it challenging to rearrange your garden or patio. On the other hand, a planter that is too small may limit the growth potential of your plants.

Take into account the available space in your garden or patio as well. You want to ensure that the large plastic planter fits comfortably and doesn’t overcrowd the area. By choosing the right size of large plastic planters, you can create a visually appealing garden and provide the ideal environment for your plants to flourish.

Table: Comparison of Common Large Plastic Planter Sizes

Planter Size Ideal Plant Types Recommended Use
12-14 inches Herbs, small flowering plants Window boxes, small gardens
16-18 inches Medium-sized shrubs, perennials Patio gardens, small trees
20-24 inches Larger shrubs, ornamental grasses Front entrances, larger outdoor spaces
28-32 inches Trees, statement plants Large outdoor areas, focal points

Note: These sizes are approximate and may vary depending on the specific plant and its growth requirements. Always consider the individual needs of your plants when selecting a planter size.

Where to Buy the Cheapest Large Plastic Planters

If you’re looking for the best deals on large plastic planters, there are several places where you can find them at affordable prices. Whether you prefer shopping in-store or online, here are some options to consider:

  1. Home improvement stores: Retailers like B&Q offer a wide range of plastic plant pots, including large planters, at competitive prices. You can visit their physical stores or check their websites for online deals and promotions.
  2. Online retailers: Websites like IKEA provide budget-friendly options for large plastic plant containers. You can browse through their catalog and make a purchase from the comfort of your own home.
  3. Local garden centers and nurseries: Check out your local garden centers and nurseries for discounted or clearance sales on plastic plant pots. They often offer seasonal discounts or special promotions that can help you save money.

Comparing prices and shopping around will help you find the best deals on large plastic planters. Keep in mind that availability and pricing may vary depending on your location and the time of year, so it’s always a good idea to check multiple sources before making a purchase.

Tips for Choosing the Right Large Plastic Planters

When selecting large plastic planters, there are a few factors to consider to ensure you make the right choice:

  • Size: Determine the size of planters you need based on the plants you want to pot. Make sure there is enough space for the roots to grow and expand.
  • Drainage: Look for planters with proper drainage holes to prevent waterlogged roots. Good drainage is essential for the health of your plants.
  • Style and design: Consider the overall style and design of your garden or outdoor space. Choose planters that complement your existing decor and enhance the visual appeal.
  • Durability: Select planters made from high-quality plastic that can withstand different weather conditions. Durable planters will last longer and provide better value for your money.

By keeping these tips in mind, you can find the perfect large plastic planters that meet your needs and budget.

Creative Ways to Use Large Plastic Planters

Large plastic planters offer endless possibilities for creative and attractive garden displays. Here are some innovative ways you can use them to enhance your outdoor space:

  1. Vibrant Flower Displays: Plant multiple varieties of flowers in the same large plastic planter to create a stunning and colorful flower display. Mix vibrant annuals or perennials for a visually striking arrangement.
  2. Functional Edible Gardens: Use large plastic planters to grow your own vegetables or herbs. They’re perfect for creating a functional and attractive edible garden on your patio or balcony.
  3. Decorative Elements: Fill large plastic planters with colorful stones or pebbles to create eye-catching decorative elements. Arrange them strategically in your garden or outdoor space for a unique and stylish look.
  4. Statement Planters: Choose oversized plants or small trees to create statement planters. These large plastic planters can become focal points in your garden and add height and drama to your outdoor design.

Don’t be afraid to let your imagination run wild and experiment with different combinations and arrangements. The versatility of large plastic planters allows you to create a personalized and visually stunning garden that reflects your style and personality. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out, large plastic planters are a budget-friendly and creative option to enhance your outdoor space.


“I love using large plastic planters in my garden. They’re affordable, lightweight, and easy to move around. I’ve created beautiful flower displays and even grown my own vegetables using these versatile planters.” – Sarah, avid gardener

“Large plastic planters have transformed my outdoor space. I’ve created a stunning garden border using these budget-friendly options. They add a touch of elegance and are incredibly easy to maintain.” – Mark, DIY enthusiast

Tips for Maintaining Large Plastic Planters

Maintaining large plastic planters is essential to ensure their longevity and the well-being of your plants. By following a few simple care tips, you can keep your planters looking fresh and your plants thriving.


Regular cleaning is important to prevent the buildup of dirt, dust, and debris on your plastic planters. To clean them, simply fill a bucket with warm water and mild soap. Use a soft cloth or sponge to gently scrub the surface of the planters, removing any dirt or stains. Rinse thoroughly with clean water and allow the planters to air dry before adding soil and plants.


Inspect your large plastic planters regularly for any cracks or damage. If you notice any issues, it’s best to repair or replace the planters to prevent further damage. Small cracks can often be fixed with adhesive designed for plastic materials. However, if the damage is extensive or affects the structural integrity of the planters, it’s advisable to replace them to ensure the safety of your plants.

Watering and Drainage

Proper watering and drainage are crucial for the health of your plants and the longevity of your plastic planters. Ensure that your planters have drainage holes at the bottom to allow excess water to escape. This will help prevent waterlogged roots and the potential for root rot. Be mindful of the watering needs of your specific plants and adjust accordingly. It’s always better to underwater than overwater, as plastic planters can retain moisture for longer periods.

Following these care tips will help you maintain the appearance and functionality of your large plastic planters, ensuring that they continue to enhance your garden or indoor space for years to come.

Affordable Alternatives to Large Plastic Planters

If large plastic planters don’t fit your budget or aesthetic preferences, don’t worry! There are plenty of affordable alternatives available that can still serve as stylish and functional large plant containers. Here are some options to consider:

Fabric Grow Bags

One affordable alternative to large plastic planters is the use of fabric grow bags. These lightweight and flexible bags are made from durable fabric that allows for proper aeration and drainage. They are easy to move around and can be folded for compact storage when not in use. Fabric grow bags are available in various sizes and are ideal for growing vegetables, flowers, and herbs. They are also a great option for gardeners who have limited space or prefer a portable gardening setup.

Repurposed Items

Another cost-effective option is to repurpose items that you may already have at home. Buckets, storage containers, or even old furniture can be transformed into unique and budget-friendly large plant containers. Simply clean them thoroughly, drill drainage holes if needed, and add a layer of gravel or pebbles at the bottom for proper drainage. Get creative and think outside the box when repurposing items as plant containers, and you’ll have a unique garden display that reflects your personal style.

DIY Planters

If you enjoy hands-on projects, building your own planters can be a fun and affordable option. Use inexpensive materials like wood, cinder blocks, or even repurposed pallets to create custom plant containers. There are plenty of DIY tutorials and plans available online to guide you through the process. Not only will you save money by building your own planters, but you’ll also have complete control over the size, style, and design, allowing you to create plant containers that perfectly fit your garden’s aesthetic.

Alternative Description Cost
Fabric Grow Bags Lightweight and flexible bags made from durable fabric, ideal for vegetables, flowers, and herbs. Affordable
Repurposed Items Transform old buckets, storage containers, or furniture into unique and budget-friendly plant containers. Low-cost or free
DIY Planters Create custom plant containers using inexpensive materials like wood, cinder blocks, or repurposed pallets. Cost varies depending on materials

Best Time to Buy Large Plastic Planters

When it comes to purchasing large plastic planters, timing can play a significant role in securing the best deals. By knowing the best time to buy, you can take advantage of seasonal sales and promotions, allowing you to save money without compromising on quality.

One of the prime periods to find discounted large plastic planters is during seasonal events such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Many retailers offer special promotions and discounts during these times, making it an ideal opportunity to score great deals on your desired planters.

End-of-season clearance sales are also worth keeping an eye out for. As the season changes, retailers may reduce prices on their remaining inventory, making it a perfect time to purchase large plastic planters at discounted rates.

Best Time to Buy Reason
Black Friday Special promotions and discounts
Cyber Monday Online deals and discounts
End-of-season clearance sales Reduced prices on remaining inventory

Signing up for newsletters or loyalty programs with your favorite retailers can also give you access to exclusive discounts and early notifications about upcoming sales. By staying informed and being patient, you can find the perfect large plastic planters at the best possible prices.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Large Plastic Planters

When selecting large plastic planters, there are several factors to consider to ensure that you make the right choice for your gardening needs. These factors will help you find planters that not only fit your plants but also match your personal style and overall garden design. Let’s explore the key factors to consider when choosing large plastic planters.

Size and Weight

The size and weight of the planter are important considerations. You should choose a planter that provides enough space for your plants’ root systems to grow and expand. Additionally, consider the weight of the planter, especially if you plan to move it around frequently. A lightweight planter will be easier to transport and reposition as needed.

Drainage and Watering

Proper drainage is essential for the health of your plants. Look for planters with drainage holes to allow excess water to escape and prevent waterlogged roots. You should also consider the watering needs of your plants and choose planters that allow for easy watering without causing water to accumulate in the bottom. Some planters may come with built-in watering systems or self-watering features, which can be convenient for busy gardeners.

Style and Design

Large plastic planters come in a variety of styles and designs. Consider the overall aesthetic of your garden and choose planters that complement your existing decor. Whether you prefer a sleek and modern look or a more traditional design, there are plenty of options to suit your personal taste. You can also choose planters in different colors to add a pop of vibrancy to your garden.

Durability and Weather Resistance

Ensure that the plastic material used for the planters is durable and can withstand the elements. Plastic planters should be able to withstand extreme temperatures and resist fading or cracking caused by sun exposure. This is especially important if you plan to use the planters outdoors, as they will be exposed to various weather conditions throughout the year.


When choosing large plastic planters, factors such as size, weight, drainage, style, and durability should all be taken into consideration. By carefully considering these factors, you can select planters that not only meet your plants’ needs but also enhance the overall aesthetics of your garden. Take your time to explore different options, compare prices, and find the perfect large plastic planters for your gardening projects.

large plastic planters image

Benefits of Proper Drainage in Large Plastic Planters
Prevents waterlogged roots
Promotes healthy plant growth
Reduces the risk of root rot
Allows for better nutrient absorption
Prevents soil compaction

Budget-Friendly Large Plastic Planter Boxes for Garden Borders

Large plastic planter boxes are an excellent option for creating appealing and budget-friendly garden borders. These versatile planters provide a practical solution for separating different areas within your garden or highlighting specific types of plants. The lightweight nature of plastic makes them easy to install, making them a convenient choice for DIY garden projects.

When choosing large plastic planter boxes for your garden borders, consider the size and design that will best suit your needs. Opt for planter boxes that complement the overall aesthetic of your garden and align with your personal style. Whether you prefer sleek and modern or rustic and traditional, there are a variety of options available to suit your taste.

To create a visually appealing garden border, you can arrange multiple planter boxes in a row or stagger them for a more dynamic look. Consider using different heights and sizes to add dimension and visual interest to the border. Fill the planter boxes with your favorite plants or flowers, creating a vibrant and inviting display.

Table: Comparison of Different Types of Large Plastic Planter Boxes

Planter Box Type Price Range Features
Basic Plastic Planter Box $10 – $30 Simple design, lightweight
Decorative Plastic Planter Box $20 – $50 Ornate designs, various color options
Self-Watering Plastic Planter Box $30 – $60 Built-in water reservoir for easy plant care

Table: Comparison of different types of large plastic planter boxes for garden borders.

When shopping for budget-friendly large plastic planter boxes, consider visiting local garden centers, home improvement stores, and online retailers. Take advantage of seasonal sales, promotions, and clearance discounts to find the best deals. By exploring different options and comparing prices, you can create stunning garden borders without breaking the bank.

The Versatility of Large Plastic Planters for Indoor Use

Large plastic planters are not limited to outdoor use only. They can also be used indoors to create stunning green spaces within your home. Whether you have a spacious living room, an empty corner, or a sunny hallway, large plastic planters can bring life and freshness to any indoor space. Consider using them to showcase tall and statement plants or create a mini indoor garden. The lightweight nature of plastic planters makes them easy to move and rearrange as needed.

Indoor plants have gained popularity in recent years due to their ability to enhance the aesthetics and air quality of indoor spaces. Large plastic planters offer an affordable and versatile option for incorporating greenery into your home decor. They come in various shapes, sizes, and designs, allowing you to find the perfect planter to suit your interior style and plant preferences.

One of the key advantages of using large plastic planters indoors is their lightweight nature. Unlike heavier materials like ceramic or stone, plastic planters can be easily moved and rearranged to suit your changing decor needs. This flexibility allows you to experiment with different plant arrangements and create dynamic indoor displays.

Styling Tips for Indoor Plastic Planters

When styling large plastic planters for indoor use, consider the overall aesthetic of your space. Choose planters that complement your existing decor and color scheme. Mix and match different sizes and shapes to create visual interest and dimension. Additionally, consider the height and growth requirements of your plants when selecting the appropriate planter size.

Design Tip Description
Statement Piece Use a large plastic planter as a focal point in your room. Select a tall plant with eye-catching foliage or flowers to create a stunning centerpiece.
Grouping Create an indoor garden by grouping several plastic planters of varying sizes together. This can add depth and visual interest to your space.
Hanging Planters Consider using plastic hanging planters to add greenery to areas with limited floor space, such as kitchens or bathrooms.

With their affordability, versatility, and ease of maintenance, large plastic planters are an excellent choice for incorporating indoor plants into your home. So, unleash your creativity and transform your indoor spaces into green oases with these budget-friendly planters.

Where to Find the Best Deals on Large Plastic Planters

When it comes to finding the best deals on large plastic planters, it’s important to explore different retailers and keep an eye out for discounts and promotions. Home improvement stores like B&Q offer a wide selection of affordable options that cater to all budgets. Online retailers, such as IKEA, also provide budget-friendly large plastic plant containers that can be conveniently delivered to your doorstep.

Another great way to find deals on large plastic planters is to check local garden centers or nurseries, as they often have clearance sales or discounted items. Signing up for newsletters or loyalty programs with your favorite retailers can also give you access to exclusive discounts and early notifications about sales.

It’s important to compare prices and shop around before making a purchase. Different retailers may offer different discounts or promotions, so taking the time to research and compare prices can help you find the best deals on large plastic planters.

Retailer Price Range Special Offers
B&Q $10 – $30 Seasonal sales, clearance discounts
IKEA $15 – $50 Online promotions, loyalty program
Local Garden Centers $10 – $40 Clearance sales, discounted items

By exploring different retailers, comparing prices, and taking advantage of promotions, you can find the best deals on large plastic planters that not only suit your gardening needs but also fit your budget. Remember to consider factors such as size, style, and durability when making your purchase to ensure a long-lasting and visually appealing addition to your garden or indoor space.


In conclusion, large plastic planters are the cheapest option for budget-conscious gardeners who want to create eye-catching displays without breaking the bank. These lightweight and versatile plant containers offer numerous benefits, including easy mobility and durability. They are ideal for larger plants and provide better drainage for healthier plant growth.

When choosing large plastic planters, consider the size and weight that best suits your plants and available space. Look for the best deals by checking out home improvement stores like B&Q, online retailers like IKEA, and local garden centers. Timing your purchase during seasonal sales and promotions can also help you save even more.

Proper maintenance, such as regular cleaning and checking for cracks, ensures the longevity of your large plastic planters. Remember to provide proper drainage for your plants by using drainage holes or a layer of gravel at the bottom of the planter.

Whether you’re creating garden borders, adding greenery to your indoor spaces, or exploring creative uses for large plastic planters, these affordable options offer a world of possibilities. Embrace your inner gardener and enjoy the beauty and savings that come with large plastic planters.


Are large plastic planters a cost-effective option?

Yes, large plastic planters are a cost-effective option for potting plants, both indoors and outdoors.

What are the advantages of using plastic plant pots?

Plastic plant pots are more affordable, lightweight, durable, and allow for better drainage compared to other materials.

How do I choose the right size of large plastic planters?

Consider the size of your plants and their root systems, as well as the available space in your garden or patio.

Where can I find the cheapest large plastic planters?

Home improvement stores, online retailers, and local garden centers or nurseries often offer budget-friendly options for large plastic plant containers.

What are some creative ways to use large plastic planters?

Large plastic planters can be used to create vibrant flower displays, grow vegetables or herbs, or be used as decorative elements.

How do I maintain large plastic planters?

Regularly clean the planters, check for cracks or damage, and ensure proper watering and drainage.

Are there affordable alternatives to large plastic planters?

Yes, you can consider using fabric grow bags, repurposing items like buckets or storage containers, or building your own planters using inexpensive materials.

When is the best time to buy large plastic planters at discounted prices?

Seasonal sales, promotions, and events like Black Friday or end-of-season clearance sales often offer great deals on large plastic planters.

What factors should I consider when choosing large plastic planters?

Consider the size and weight of the planter, its drainage capabilities, and the overall style and design.

How can I repurpose large plastic planters?

Large plastic planters can be used as storage containers, transformed into water features, or used as outdoor seating or side tables.

How can I style large plastic planters for my garden or outdoor space?

Choose planters that complement the existing decor, mix and match different sizes and shapes, and consider the height and placement of the plants for a balanced display.

Why is drainage important in large plastic planters?

Adequate drainage prevents waterlogged roots and promotes healthy plant growth.

Can large plastic planter boxes be used for garden borders?

Yes, large plastic planter boxes are a budget-friendly option for creating garden borders and can be easily installed and customized.

Can large plastic planters be used indoors?

Yes, large plastic planters can bring life and freshness to indoor spaces and are easy to move and rearrange as needed.

Where can I find the best deals on large plastic planters?

Explore different retailers both online and in-store, check for seasonal sales, clearance discounts, and sign up for newsletters or loyalty programs to access exclusive discounts.

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