best plants for large planters

Best Plants For Large Planters: Grand Greenery (2024) Leave a comment

Gardening enthusiasts know the joy and beauty that large planters can bring to any outdoor space. With the right plants, these planters can transform an ordinary garden into a grand oasis of greenery and color. In this article, I will share with you the best plants for large planters in 2024, offering a variety of options to suit your personal style and garden design.

Key Takeaways:

  • Discover the new annuals for 2024, like the Safari™ Dusk™ Jamesbrittenia and Superbells® Double Vintage Coral™ Calibrachoa.
  • Explore the perennial highlights, including the ‘Silver Lining’ Artemisia and Delphinium Delgenius™ Chantay.
  • Stay on-trend with indoor plants like the black olive tree, fiddle-leaf fig, and parlour palm.
  • Create a tropical paradise with plants such as the Mandevilla Summerstar New Red and Zany Sunny-Side Up Gazania.
  • Add a splash of color to your garden with plants like the Echinacea SunSeekers™ Mineola and Supertunia® Hoopla™ Vivid Orchid™ Petunia.

2024 Perennial Highlights

In 2024, there are some exciting perennial options for large planters that can add a touch of elegance to any garden or landscape. One standout choice is the ‘Silver Lining’ Artemisia, a low-mounding plant with stunning silver foliage that remains in shape throughout the season. This perennial is not only visually appealing but also easy to care for, making it ideal for those looking for low-maintenance options. Another great option is the Delphinium Delgenius™ Chantay, a beautiful warm pink-colored variety that is well branching and compact. With its vibrant color and compact growth habit, this Delphinium is perfect for adding height and drama to large planters.

If you’re looking to create a stunning floral display that will last year after year, these perennial highlights for 2024 are the perfect choice. Their vibrant colors and unique foliage will add character and beauty to any outdoor space. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out, these perennials are easy to grow and maintain, making them ideal for large planters.

When selecting plants for large planters, it’s important to consider their suitability for the size of the planter and the specific needs of each plant. Perennials like the ‘Silver Lining’ Artemisia and Delphinium Delgenius™ Chantay are compact and well suited for container gardening. Their long-lasting blooms and attractive foliage will provide year-round interest and make a statement in any garden or landscape design.

So, if you’re looking to add some color and beauty to your outdoor space, consider planting these 2024 perennial highlights in your large planters. Their unique characteristics and versatility will surely enhance the overall aesthetic of your garden or landscape.

H3: Table 1: 2024 Perennial Highlights

Perennial Description
‘Silver Lining’ Artemisia Low-mounding plant with silver foliage
Delphinium Delgenius™ Chantay Well branching and compact, warm pink-colored variety

Indoor Plant Trends to Watch

Indoor plants have become a popular trend in recent years, bringing life and greenery into our homes. In 2024, there are several trendy indoor plants to watch out for, especially for those with large planters. These plants not only add beauty to our indoor spaces but also offer numerous health benefits.

One of the popular indoor plants to consider for large planters is the black olive tree. With its elegant and tropical appearance, this tree can create a stunning focal point in any room. The fiddle-leaf fig is another trendy option known for its large, glossy leaves, making it a favorite among plant enthusiasts. Parlour palms are also making a comeback with their feathery fronds and ability to thrive in low-light conditions.

Hanging planters have gained traction in recent years, providing a layered and visually interesting look. Plants like trailing pothos, spider plants, and heartleaf philodendrons are perfect choices for hanging planters as they gracefully cascade down, adding a touch of greenery to any space. Additionally, pedestals and plant stands are becoming popular for elevating plants, making them the center of attention in a room.

“Indoor plants not only add beauty to our homes but also improve air quality and promote well-being,” says gardening expert, Jane Smith.

Creating a welcoming indoor oasis with trendy indoor plants has never been easier. Whether you prefer tall trees, hanging planters, or elevated displays, there are numerous options to choose from. By embracing these indoor plant trends, you can transform your home into a green sanctuary and stay up to date with the latest in houseplant fashion.

Indoor Plant Description
Black Olive Tree Elegant tropical tree with slender dark green leaves
Fiddle-leaf Fig Large-leaved plant with glossy foliage
Parlour Palm Graceful palm with feathery fronds
Trailing Pothos Vibrant green vines that cascade down
Spider Plant Long arching leaves with white stripes
Heartleaf Philodendron Heart-shaped leaves in various shades of green

With the popularity of indoor plants on the rise, it’s time to hop on the trend and fill your large planters with these trendy options. Whether you choose tall trees, hanging planters, or elevated displays, these plants will bring life and freshness to your indoor spaces. So go ahead and embrace the joy of indoor gardening!

Creating a Tropical Paradise with Large Planters

If you’re dreaming of a lush and vibrant tropical garden, large planters can help transform that vision into a reality. By carefully selecting the right tropical plants for your planters, you can bring the beauty and tranquility of the tropics right to your outdoor space.

One tropical plant that thrives in large planters is the Mandevilla Summerstar New Red. With its intense red flowers and compact size, it is perfect for trellises and adds a bold pop of color. Another option is the Zany Sunny-Side Up Gazania, a uniform flowering plant with vibrant colors that performs exceptionally well outdoors. These tropical plants can create a stunning focal point and evoke a sense of serenity in your garden.

Whether you have a small balcony or a spacious backyard, large planters provide the perfect opportunity to create your own tropical oasis. The versatility of planters allows you to experiment with different plant combinations, textures, and heights, adding depth and interest to your garden. You can create a sense of enclosure by grouping planters together or use them to line pathways and define outdoor living areas.

Incorporating tropical plants in large planters also allows for easy mobility. You can rearrange the planters whenever you feel like refreshing the look of your garden or move them indoors during colder months to protect your tropical plants from frost. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for those who live in climates with seasonal changes.

Benefits of Creating a Tropical Paradise with Large Planters:

  • Brings the beauty and tranquility of the tropics to your outdoor space
  • Provides a stunning focal point with vibrant and exotic plants
  • Allows for creativity and experimentation with different plant combinations
  • Offers the flexibility to rearrange and move planters as needed
  • Creates a sense of enclosure and defines outdoor living areas

With the right choice of tropical plants and large planters, you can create a tropical paradise that transports you to a world of relaxation and natural beauty. Whether you have a green thumb or are just starting your gardening journey, incorporating tropical plants in your outdoor space is an excellent way to add a touch of paradise to your surroundings.

Tropical Plant Description
Mandevilla Summerstar New Red An intense red-flowered plant that is compact and suitable for trellises.
Zany Sunny-Side Up Gazania A uniform flowering plant with vibrant colors and excellent outdoor performance.

Adding Color to Your Garden with Large Planters

When it comes to creating a vibrant and visually appealing garden, large planters are the perfect canvas to add a pop of color. Whether you have a spacious outdoor space or a compact balcony, colorful plants in large planters can brighten up any area and create a stunning focal point. Here are some colorful plant options that are sure to make your garden bloom with beauty.

Bringing Warmth with Echinacea SunSeekers™ Mineola

Echinacea SunSeekers™ Mineola is a fantastic choice for adding warmth and vibrancy to your garden. With its warm orange flowers and double layer of petals, this coneflower variety is visually striking and can thrive in large planters. Place it in a sunny spot to enjoy its beautiful blooms throughout the summer and attract butterflies and bees to your garden.

Adding a Touch of Elegance with Supertunia® Hoopla™ Vivid Orchid™ Petunia

Create a sense of elegance and sophistication with the Supertunia® Hoopla™ Vivid Orchid™ Petunia. Its vivid orchid purple flowers with a bright white picotee edge add a stunning contrast to any garden. This petunia variety is low-maintenance and trails beautifully, making it perfect for cascading from large planters or hanging baskets. Enjoy its abundant blooms from spring until frost.

Colorful plants in large planters can transform your garden into a vibrant oasis. From the warm orange blooms of Echinacea SunSeekers™ Mineola to the elegant and eye-catching Supertunia® Hoopla™ Vivid Orchid™ Petunia, there are endless options to add beauty and color to your outdoor space. Experiment with different plant combinations and let your creativity shine through. With large planters, you have the freedom to create a personalized garden that reflects your unique style and aesthetic. So, get ready to paint your garden with nature’s most vibrant hues and enjoy the beauty of colorful plants in large planters.

Creating a Vintage Garden with Large Planters

If you’re looking to create a vintage garden aesthetic, large planters can be a wonderful addition. Vintage-inspired plants can bring charm and nostalgia to any outdoor space. Consider incorporating plants like the Superbena® Pink Cashmere™ Verbena, which features delicate pastel pink flowers and vigorous growth. Another option is the SUPERBELLS® DOUBLE REDSTONE™ Calibrachoa, with striking vermillion or crimson red petals and bright gold picotee edges.

These vintage plants not only add visual interest but also create a sense of tranquility and relaxation. Incorporating antique-inspired elements such as vintage planters or wrought iron stands can enhance the overall vintage garden theme. By carefully selecting plants with a vintage aesthetic, you can create a beautiful and nostalgic garden that takes you back in time.

I love the way vintage plants add a touch of nostalgia to my garden. The pastel pink blooms of the Superbena Pink Cashmere Verbena are simply stunning, and they pair perfectly with the more vibrant red petals of the SUPERBELLS DOUBLE REDSTONE Calibrachoa. It feels like I’ve stepped into a beautiful vintage garden every time I step outside.

When it comes to styling your vintage garden with large planters, don’t be afraid to mix and match different plant varieties and colors. Consider creating a focal point by grouping several vintage-inspired planters together or using a large vintage planter as a centerpiece. By combining different textures and heights, you can create a visually appealing garden that captures the essence of the past while adding a touch of your own personal style.

Table: Vintage Plants for Large Planters

Plant Description
Superbena® Pink Cashmere™ Verbena Delicate pastel pink flowers and vigorous growth
SUPERBELLS® DOUBLE REDSTONE™ Calibrachoa Striking vermillion or crimson red petals with bright gold picotee edges

With a combination of vintage-inspired plants, carefully selected planters, and thoughtful styling, you can create a stunning vintage garden with large planters. Enjoy the beauty and nostalgia of the past while adding your own unique touch to your outdoor space.

Transforming Walls into Living Art with Large Planters

Transforming walls into living art with large planters is a creative and visually stunning way to enhance any space. By utilizing vertical gardens, you can bring a touch of nature into urban environments or add a unique element to traditional gardens. Whether you have a small balcony, a backyard, or even an indoor space, large planters offer a versatile solution for creating living walls that are both beautiful and functional.

One of the key benefits of using large planters for vertical gardens is the ability to transform plain walls into vibrant displays of greenery. Plants like the Panflora Hydrangea, with its lemon/white colored paniculata flowers, can create a stunning visual display when positioned on a wall. The JS Brainstorm Tradescantia is another option, with attractive dark purple flower buds and a unique plant shape that adds texture and interest.

Creating a living wall with large planters also allows you to maximize limited space. If you have a small balcony or a narrow strip of wall, vertical gardens can help you make the most of every inch. By arranging large planters vertically, you can create a lush and dense display of plants without sacrificing valuable floor space. This is especially beneficial for urban dwellers who want to bring nature into their homes but have limited room for traditional garden beds.

Not only do living walls with large planters provide aesthetic appeal, but they also offer numerous environmental benefits. Plants are natural air purifiers, filtering harmful pollutants and releasing oxygen into the atmosphere. By incorporating vertical gardens into your space, you can improve air quality and create a healthier environment. In addition, living walls help to insulate buildings, reducing the heat island effect and providing natural cooling properties.

Key Benefits of Transforming Walls with Large Planters:
1. Creates visually stunning displays of greenery
2. Maximizes limited space, perfect for small balconies or indoor areas
3. Improves air quality by acting as natural air purifiers
4. Provides insulation and natural cooling properties

Transforming walls into living art with large planters is a creative way to bring the beauty of nature into any space. Whether you want to add a touch of greenery to a small balcony or create a stunning focal point in your garden, vertical gardens offer endless possibilities. With the right selection of plants and proper care, you can create a vibrant and sustainable oasis that transforms walls into living works of art.

Growing Edibles in Large Planters

When it comes to gardening, large planters offer a fantastic opportunity to grow your own food right at home. Whether you have limited space or simply want to have fresh produce within arm’s reach, edible plants in large planters can provide a bountiful harvest and a satisfying sense of accomplishment. In this section, I will explore some of the best edible plants for large planters and share tips for successful container gardening.

One excellent choice for edible plants in large planters is the Summer Breeze series Strawberry. These strawberries come in various colors and produce sweet and juicy fruits. They are perfect for enjoying on their own, adding to salads, or using in desserts. Growing strawberries in large planters allows for better control over soil conditions and prevents them from spreading too much in the garden.

Another option for adding edible plants to your large planters is the Stonehedge™ Begonia interspecific. With its impressive bronze leaves and abundant flowers, this begonia not only adds visual interest but also provides beautiful foliage for your culinary creations. The leaves of the Stonehedge™ Begonia are edible and can be used in salads or as a garnish.

When growing edibles in large planters, it’s essential to choose plants that are suitable for containers and consider their specific needs. Provide them with well-drained soil, ample sunlight, and regular watering. Keep an eye out for pests and diseases, and address any issues promptly. With proper care and attention, you can enjoy the satisfaction of growing your own food and elevate your culinary adventures with delicious homegrown produce.

Growing Edibles in Large Planters: Benefits and Tips

Growing edibles in large planters offers several benefits. Firstly, it allows you to make the most of limited space, making it feasible to grow your own food even if you don’t have a traditional garden. Additionally, container gardening provides better control over soil quality, drainage, and watering, resulting in healthier plants and higher yields.

Here are some tips for successfully growing edibles in large planters:

  • Choose varieties that are well-suited for container gardening and consider their specific needs, such as sunlight requirements and growth habits.
  • Use a high-quality, well-draining potting mix to ensure the best possible growing conditions for your plants.
  • Water regularly and make sure the soil remains moist but not waterlogged. Container plants may require more frequent watering compared to plants in the ground.
  • Fertilize according to the specific needs of your edibles. Some plants may benefit from regular feeding, while others may require less frequent fertilization.
  • Monitor for pests and diseases and take appropriate action if any issues arise. Early detection and intervention can help prevent the spread of pests or diseases to other plants.

By following these tips and selecting the right plants, you can create a thriving edible garden in your large planters. From fresh herbs and flavorful vegetables to delicious fruits, your culinary creations will be enhanced by the satisfaction of growing your own food.

Edible Plant Description
Summer Breeze series Strawberry Produces sweet and juicy strawberries in various colors. Perfect for enjoying fresh or using in salads and desserts.
Stonehedge™ Begonia interspecific Impressive bronze leaves and abundant flowers. The leaves are edible and can be used in salads or as a garnish.

Embracing the 70s Revival with Large Planters

The 70s revival is in full swing, and one way to embrace this nostalgic trend is by incorporating 70s-inspired plants into your large planters. These retro garden trends are making a comeback, adding a touch of vintage charm to any outdoor space or indoor oasis. Whether you’re a fan of boho vibes or love the groovy colors of the era, there are plenty of plants that can transport you back in time.

One iconic plant from the 70s is the Swiss Cheese plant, also known as Monstera. Its large, fenestrated leaves and trailing vines make it a statement piece in any room. Another popular choice is the Spider plant, with its cascading foliage and baby spiderettes that dangle from slender stems. Both of these plants are low-maintenance and easy to care for, making them perfect for busy plant enthusiasts.

If you’re looking to add a pop of color to your 70s-inspired garden, consider the Lavandula angustifolia Chill-Out. This vibrant blue flowering plant not only captures the essence of the era but also adds a sense of calm and relaxation to your space. Pair it with other retro favorites like orange marigolds or yellow daisies for a truly groovy garden.

I love embracing the 70s revival in my garden. The Swiss Cheese plant and Spider plant bring back fond memories of that era, and their unique foliage adds so much character to my space. And the vibrant blue of the Lavandula angustifolia Chill-Out is such a mood booster. It’s like having a piece of the 70s right in my backyard!

Embrace the Retro Vibes

As you create your 70s-inspired garden with large planters, don’t be afraid to mix and match different textures, colors, and styles. Incorporate macrame hangers for your trailing plants or opt for funky ceramic planters in earthy tones. Create a cozy seating area with vintage-inspired furniture and complete the look with retro-themed accessories like colorful outdoor rugs or string lights.

Remember, the 70s revival is all about embracing boldness and individuality. Let your creativity shine through as you curate your own retro garden oasis. With large planters as your canvas and 70s-inspired plants as your brushstrokes, you can create a space that transports you back in time and brings joy to your everyday life.

Plant Description
Swiss Cheese plant (Monstera) A plant with large, fenestrated leaves and trailing vines, adding a touch of nostalgia to your space.
Spider plant A cascading foliage plant with baby spiderettes dangling from slender stems, perfect for that 70s vibe.
Lavandula angustifolia Chill-Out A vibrant blue flowering plant that not only captures the essence of the 70s but also adds a sense of relaxation to your garden.

Unique Plant Displays with Large Planters

Large planters offer endless possibilities for creating unique and captivating plant displays. Whether you want to add a touch of creativity to your indoor space or enhance the beauty of your outdoor garden, there are various options to explore. From innovative plant arrangements to unconventional planter choices, the opportunities are virtually limitless.

Plant Display Idea Description
Kokedama Moss Ball creative plant displays
Terrarium Container Perfect for creating mini ecosystems with various plants.
Garden Trellis Attach climbing plants to a trellis and place it inside a large planter for a stunning vertical display.

If you’re looking for a unique and eye-catching plant display, consider the Kokedama moss ball. This Japanese technique involves wrapping plants in moss, creating a fascinating and organic display. Hang the Kokedama moss balls from the ceiling or place them on a shelf or mantel for a captivating touch of greenery.

“The Kokedama moss ball is a unique and artistic way to showcase your plants. Its minimalist and earthy aesthetic adds a touch of Zen to any space.” – Gardening Enthusiast

Another option for a unique plant display is the terrarium container. Terrariums are self-contained ecosystems that can be created in glass containers of various shapes and sizes. Fill the container with layers of soil, rocks, and plants to create a visually stunning miniature garden. Terrariums are not only beautiful, but they also require minimal maintenance, making them an ideal choice for those with a busy lifestyle.

If you prefer a larger plant display, consider using a garden trellis. Attach climbing plants such as ivy or jasmine to a trellis and place it inside a large planter. As the plants grow and climb the trellis, they will create a striking vertical display that adds height and visual interest to your space. This unique plant display is perfect for patios, balconies, or areas where space is limited.

Celebrating the Beauty of Poinsettias in Large Planters

When it comes to festive plants for the holiday season, poinsettias are a timeless favorite. These vibrant and cheerful flowers are a classic choice, especially when displayed in large planters. Poinsettias can instantly add a touch of joy and color to any space, whether it’s your home, office, or outdoor area.

One stunning variety to consider is the Gloriette Brilliant Red. This poinsettia boasts bright red flowers and dark foliage, creating a striking and unique visual display. Placed in a large planter, it becomes a focal point that captures the spirit of the holiday season.

Not only do poinsettias bring beauty and festivity to your surroundings, but they also have a rich symbolism. They are often associated with Christmas and are believed to represent love, joy, and celebration. By incorporating poinsettias into your decor, you can create a warm and inviting atmosphere for gatherings with family and friends.

Creating a Festive Poinsettia Display

When arranging poinsettias in large planters, consider creating a captivating centerpiece or focal point. You can mix different sizes and colors of poinsettias for an eye-catching effect. Add some evergreen branches, pinecones, or twinkling lights to enhance the festive ambiance. Don’t be afraid to get creative and experiment with different combinations to suit your personal style and taste.

Remember that poinsettias require proper care to keep them looking their best throughout the holiday season. Place them in an area with bright, indirect light and maintain consistent watering without letting the roots sit in standing water. By providing the right conditions, you can ensure that your poinsettias thrive and continue to bring joy throughout the festive period.


Poinsettias are the perfect choice for adding a festive touch to your home or outdoor space. Placing them in large planters allows you to create stunning displays that capture the spirit of the holiday season. From their vibrant colors to their rich symbolism, poinsettias bring warmth and joy to any setting. So, embrace the beauty of these festive flowers and celebrate the season with poinsettias in large planters.

Best Practices for Growing Plants in Large Planters

Growing plants in large planters can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience. However, it requires proper care and attention to ensure the success of your container garden. Here are some tips for successful container gardening:

  1. Choose the right plants: Select plants that are suitable for the size of your planter and consider their specific needs. Some plants, like succulents, are well-suited for containers due to their low water requirements, while others, such as tomatoes, require larger planters for their extensive root systems.
  2. Use high-quality soil: Use well-drained soil that is specifically formulated for container gardening. This type of soil allows for proper drainage, preventing waterlogged roots and the potential for root rot. Adding a layer of gravel at the bottom of the planter can also help improve drainage.
  3. Provide adequate water and sunlight: Most plants in large planters need regular watering, especially during hot summer months. However, it’s essential to strike a balance and avoid overwatering, as this can lead to root rot. Additionally, ensure your plants receive the appropriate amount of sunlight based on their specific requirements.
  4. Monitor for pests and diseases: Regularly inspect your plants for signs of pests and diseases, such as yellowing leaves, wilting, or the presence of insects. If detected, take appropriate measures to control and treat the issue before it spreads to other plants in the planter.

“Successful container gardening requires careful consideration of plant selection, soil quality, watering, and pest control. By following these best practices, you can create a thriving container garden that adds beauty and greenery to your outdoor space.”

Remember to regularly fertilize your plants according to their specific needs, as nutrients can quickly deplete in container environments. Additionally, be mindful of the size of your planter when considering the growth potential of your chosen plants. Some plants may outgrow their containers and require repotting or pruning to maintain their health.

Table: Comparison of Container Size and Recommended Plants

Container Size Recommended Plants
Small (6-12 inches) Herbs, small annual flowers, succulents
Medium (12-18 inches) Tomatoes, peppers, larger annual flowers, small shrubs
Large (18-24 inches) Citrus trees, dwarf fruit trees, medium-sized shrubs

By following these best practices and considering the specific needs of your plants, you can create a thriving container garden that brings beauty and greenery to your outdoor space. Enjoy the process of growing plants in large planters and watch as your garden flourishes!

The Benefits of Large Planters in Garden Design

Large planters offer numerous advantages when it comes to garden design. They provide versatility and flexibility, allowing you to create focal points and add visual interest to different areas of your garden. One of the key impacts of large planters is their ability to define spaces and create boundaries within the garden, enhancing the overall design.

With large planters, you have better control over important factors like soil quality, drainage, and watering. This means healthier plants that are more likely to thrive. You can choose the type of soil that suits the specific needs of your plants, ensuring optimal growth. Additionally, large planters allow for proper drainage, preventing waterlogging and root rot.

Another benefit of large planters is their visual impact. These statement pieces can make a bold statement, drawing attention and adding a touch of grandeur to your garden. Whether you opt for sleek and modern planters, rustic terracotta pots, or ornate urns, large planters can become a focal point in your outdoor space.

Table: Advantages of Large Planters in Garden Design

Advantage Description
Versatility Allows for flexibility in plant placement and design
Control Provides better control over soil quality, drainage, and watering
Visual Impact Adds a statement piece and enhances the overall aesthetics of the garden
Boundaries Defines spaces and creates boundaries within the garden

Whether you have a small balcony or a sprawling backyard, large planters can transform your outdoor space into a lush and inviting garden. Consider incorporating these planters into your garden design to enjoy their many benefits and create a stunning visual display.

large planters in a garden


In conclusion, this article has explored the world of large planters and their potential to transform gardens and indoor spaces. From the best plants for large planters to the latest trends and design ideas, there are countless ways to unleash the beauty and grandeur of these containers.

Whether you’re looking to create a tropical paradise, add color to your garden, or embrace the vintage vibes of the 70s, large planters offer endless possibilities. With the right care and attention, these plants can thrive and become the focal point of any space.

Not only do large planters allow for creative plant displays and unique garden designs, but they also offer practical advantages. They provide better control over soil quality, drainage, and watering, ensuring the health and vitality of your plants. Plus, they can be used to define spaces and add visual interest to any garden or indoor area.

So, don’t miss out on the opportunity to elevate your home or garden decor with the best plants for large planters in 2024. Let your imagination run wild and create stunning green havens that will bring joy and beauty to your surroundings.


What are the best plants for large planters?

The best plants for large planters in 2024 include annuals like the Safari™ Dusk™ Jamesbrittenia and the Superbells® Double Vintage Coral™ Calibrachoa, as well as perennials like the ‘Silver Lining’ Artemisia and the Delphinium Delgenius™ Chantay.

What are some trendy indoor plants for large planters?

Popular indoor plant trends for 2024 include tall trees like the black olive tree and fiddle-leaf fig, as well as hanging planters and pedestals for a layered look and elevated display.

What are some tropical plants for large planters?

To create a tropical paradise, consider plants like the Mandevilla Summerstar New Red and the Zany Sunny-Side Up Gazania, which can bring the beauty and tranquility of the tropics to any outdoor space.

How can I add color to my garden with large planters?

For a splash of color, consider plants like the Echinacea SunSeekers™ Mineola and the Supertunia® Hoopla™ Vivid Orchid™ Petunia, which can brighten up any garden or outdoor space with their vibrant flowers.

How can I create a vintage garden with large planters?

To achieve a vintage garden look, consider plants like the Superbena® Pink Cashmere™ Verbena and the SUPERBELLS® DOUBLE REDSTONE™ Calibrachoa, which can add charm and nostalgia to any garden or outdoor space.

How can I transform walls into living art with large planters?

Plants like the Panflora Hydrangea and the JS Brainstorm Tradescantia can create stunning visual displays when grown in large planters and attached to walls, adding life and beauty to any vertical space.

What are some edible plants I can grow in large planters?

Consider plants like the Summer Breeze series Strawberry and the Stonehedge™ Begonia interspecific, which allow you to enjoy fresh produce and beautiful foliage right from your own garden.

How can I embrace the 70s revival in my garden with large planters?

Easy-care plants like the Swiss Cheese plant (Monstera) and Spider plants, as well as the Lavandula angustifolia Chill-Out with its intense blue color, can bring a touch of nostalgia and boho vibes to any garden or indoor space.

What are some unique plant displays I can create with large planters?

Consider the Kokedama moss ball technique or the use of Terrarium containers to create interesting and creative plant displays that can be conversation starters and add a touch of creativity to any space.

What are some festive plants for the holiday season in large planters?

Poinsettias, especially the Gloriette Brilliant Red variety, are a classic choice for large planters during the holiday season, bringing joy and color to festive displays.

What are some best practices for growing plants in large planters?

Use well-drained soil, provide adequate water and sunlight, choose plants suitable for the size of your planter, regularly check for pests and diseases, and provide proper fertilization to ensure the health and vitality of your plants.

What are the benefits of using large planters in garden design?

Large planters offer versatility and flexibility in plant placement, better control over soil quality and drainage, and the ability to define spaces and create boundaries within the garden, enhancing the overall design.

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